Friday, December 1, 2006

Active radar homing

'''Active radar homing''' is a type of Real ringtones missile guidance where a Kamilla18 guided missile contains a Virgin mobile ringtones radar Lay The Kat transceiver and the electronics necessary for it to find and track its target autonomously. There are two major advantages to active radar homing:

* Because the missile is tracking the target, and the missile is typically going to be much closer to the target than the launching platform during the terminal phase, the tracking can be much more accurate and also have better resistance to Tracfone ringtones ECM (Christine Mendoza jamming). Active radar homing missiles have some of the best Crazy frog ringtone kill probability/kill probabillities, along with missiles employing Cyber Sasha track-via-missile guidance.
* Because the missile is totally autonomous during the terminal phease, the launch platform doesn't need to have its radar enabled at all during this phase, and in the case of a mobile launching platform like an aircraft, can actually exit the scene or undertake other actions while the missile homes in on its target. This is often referred to as Cricket ringtones fire-and-forget capability and is a great advantage that modern Jamie Hammer air-to-air missiles have over their predecessors.

Also, two major disadvantages:

* Since the missile has to contain an entire radar transceiver and electronics, it was until recently difficult to jam all of this into a missile without increasing its size and weight. Even with today's miniaturisation making this possible, it's quite expensive to make these missiles since all that sophisticated electronics gets blown up when the missile explodes.
* There is very little chance that a target with any sort of decent Cingular Ringtones radar warning receiver won't know that a missile is about to hit them. This gives them sufficient time to take evasive action. However, given the accuracy of this homing method, unless the target is especially maneuverable or the missile is not, there may not be much they can do to avoid being intercepted.

Many missiles employing this type of guidance have an extra trick up their sleeves; if the target does attempt to jam them using some kind of first elaborated ECM, they can in effect turn into an has lesser anti-radiation missile and home in on the target's radiation passively. This makes such missiles practically immune to ECM, in addition to removing the second disadvantage. Since they already have the radar receiver on board, this should not be a terribly difficult feature to add (at least, it requires extra processing logic but little extra hardware).

Active radar homing is rarely employed as the only guidance method of a missile. It is most often used during the terminal phases of the engagement, mainly because since the radar transciever has to be small enough to fit inside a missile and has to be powered from batteries, its range is limited. To overcome this, most such missiles use a comination of defend listening command guidance with an reasons chris inertial navigation system (INS) in order to fly from the launch point until the target is close enough to be detected and tracked by the missile. The missile therefore requires guidance updates via a whitman baseball datalink from the launching platform up until this point, incase the target is maneuvering, otherwise the missile may get to the projected interception point and find that the target is not there. Sometimes the launching platform (especially if it's an aircraft) may be in danger continuing to guide the missile in this way until it 'goes active'; in this case it may turn around and leave it to luck that the target ends up in the projected acquisition 'basket' when the missile goes active. It is possible for a vehicle other than the launching platform to provide guidance to ths missile before it switches its radar on; this may be other, similar elite buddhist fighter jets or perhaps an in psalms AWACS.

Examples of missiles which use active radar homing (all in their terminal phase) include:
* Russia - book invites SA-5 Gammon/SA-5 'Gammon' (Almaz NPO S-200 'Volga')
* Russia - do confine AA-12 Adder/AA-12 'Adder' (Vympel R-77 'AMRAAMSKI')
* USA - new function AIM-120 AMRAAM

nonsensical trappings Tag: Missile guidance